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Jupiter Performance Studio in Residence at Sipp Culture

Performer dancing/jumping photo by Milena Dabova

In The Name Of The Mother Tree (photo by Milena Dabova)

In May of 2024, the Jupiter Performance Studio was in residence iterating and sharing a new work: The Sipp Culture Sojourn

The Sipp Culture Sojourn is a ceremony of soil, water and story rooted in the lived experiences of rural southern folks in the town of Utica, MS and surrounding areas. Devised as a dramaturgical road trip, the experience is designed to offer time and space for deep discovery, script development, embodiment, site exploration and ritual critical to the development of In The Name Of The Mother Tree.  

The goal of this time was to listen deeply, connect with the community, discern the ways of folks who have worked the land for generations and develop a deeper understanding of earth veneration which is critical for the survival and thriving of southern Black people and beyond. Jupiter Performance Studio was  in a development residency which includes experiential work on land, building of sacred objects, development of choreography and script.  Ideally, each of the artists in residence emerged with a clearer understanding of the world we are building and their role in it as a result of this visit. 

About Jupiter Performance Studio

Ebony Noelle Golden
photo: Melisa Cardona

Zenni Corbin 
photo: Em Char

Allen Porterie
photo: Minerva Villa

 Viktor Le
photo: Molasses Headshot

Fletcher Laws
photo: Justin Patterson

Established in 2020 by Ebony Noelle Golden, Jupiter Performance Studio (JPS) conjures theatrical ceremonies rooted in diasporic Black cultural, spiritual and performance traditions.  JPS’ work activates stages, streets and sacred sites as spaces of liberation.  JPS supports the movement for environmental justice and climate reparations through Watering (W)hole, its community engagement cosmology.

Recent projects include: The Art and Survival Fellowship + Festival, produced in collaboration with Double Edge Theatre and The Keeping, commissioned by Weeksville Heritage Center with major support from Creative Capital.  Current work includes: In The Name Of The Mother Tree (ITNO), commissioned by Apollo Theater and co-produced with National Black Theatre with major support from Double Edge Theatre, Green Apu at Central Mesa and the National Theater Project.  Indoor and site-specific iterations of ITNO will premiere and tour between 2024 and 2026.


Instagram: jupiterperformancestudio


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