About Sipp Culture Title
About Sipp Culture Featured Image
Photo by Griff Griffin

The Mississippi Center for Cultural Production is an approach and resource for cultivating thriving communities. Based in the rural South, “Sipp Culture” is honoring the history and building the future of our own community of Utica, MS. 

Sipp Culture supports community development from the ground up through cultural production focused on self-determination and agency designed by us and for us. We believe that history, culture, and food affirm our individual and collective humanity. So, we are strengthening our local food system, advancing health equity, and supporting rural artistic voices – while activating the power of story – all to promote the legacy and vision of our hometown.

At the core of it all, is the unwavering belief that gathering and sharing local stories is the best way to support safe and thriving communities for the future. Honoring growth, story, and imagination is an approach that can cultivate healthy and equitable places everywhere. For us, it all starts here in Utica.


El Centro de Producción Cultural de Mississippi es un enfoque y un recurso para cultivar comunidades prósperas. Con sede en el sur rural, “Sipp Culture” honra la historia y construye el futuro de nuestra propia comunidad de Utica, MS.

Sipp Culture apoya el desarrollo comunitario desde cero a través de la producción cultural centrada en la autodeterminación y la agencia diseñada por nosotros y para nosotros. Creemos que la historia, la cultura y la comida afirman nuestra humanidad individual y colectiva. Por lo tanto, estamos fortaleciendo nuestro sistema alimentario local, promoviendo la equidad en la salud y apoyando las voces artísticas rurales, mientras activamos el poder de la historia, todo para promover el legado y la visión de nuestra ciudad natal.

En el centro de todo, está la creencia inquebrantable de que recopilar y compartir historias locales es la mejor manera de apoyar comunidades seguras y prósperas para el futuro. Honrar el crecimiento, la historia y la imaginación es un enfoque que puede cultivar lugares saludables y equitativos en todas partes. Para nosotros, todo comienza aquí en Utica.

Sipp Culture community members at Pop Up Cafe
Sipp Culture community members at Pop Up Cafe
Covid- 19 Acknowledgement

Sipp Culture acknowledges the pandemic impact of SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus 2019, or COVID-19. As a staff, we have been operating under a good-faith, best practices approach in the workplace such as, but not limited to the following. We have always prioritized the safety of our residents and customers, and in these uncertain times, this is different. That’s why we are following and enforcing the best practices for social distancing and self-isolation in the midst of COVID-19. We will continue to follow and look to the latest developments of science to help ensure the health and safety on Sipp Culture properties. As you know safety recommendations — including those for our residents and staff can and will likely change in accordance to the CDC and our state recommendations.

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